Myth #1: You can tell a person is a Wiccan just by looking at him/her.

Truth: Most Wiccans do not dress “Goth” or ride a broom to work. They drive a car just like you or me.


Myth #2: Wiccans worship Satan and sacrifice live humans and animals.

Truth: Wiccans do not worship the Christian creation of Satan. Most do not even believe he exists.


Myth #3: Wiccans try to convert others to their religion.

Truth: A lot of Wiccans read books on Christianity and other religions, for fun or to study them in order to better understand others point of view.


Myth #4: Wiccans do not follow any rules or laws.

Truth: Wiccans have a thing called the Wiccan Rede, which states, “An it harm none, do as ye will.” Or for the more modern Wiccans: “As long as your actions do not harm anyone, do whatever you want (with respect for others and their property of course).” Also there is the rule of three, which basically says, “Whatever you do will come back to you times three.”


Myth #5: Wicca and Christianity are compatible.

Truth: Wicca and Christianity are two different creatures: one believes in self expression and respect for other cultures (Wicca) and the other believes that other cultures are always wrong and if someone does not believe the same thing they do they worship Satan (Christianity).


Myth #6: Arguing with a Wiccan about God or the Bible is the best way to convert them to Christ.

Truth: Most Wiccans like to have discussions about their faith versus others. When you have the opportunity, share your beliefs and you will probably learn a thing or two about others in the process.

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