Beliefs in the afterlife vary among Wiccans, although reincarnation is a traditional Wiccan teaching. Wiccan teachings state that a soul reincarnates over many lives in order to learn and advance one's soul toward "perfection," but this belief is not universal.

Many Wiccans believe in the ability to contact the spirits of the dead through mediums such as ouija boards and crystal balls. The belief is particularly strong on the sabbat of Samhain or the Spanish holiday of El Dio de los Muertos (day of the dead).

Obviously, because Wiccan beliefs can change from person to person, not everyone believes the same thing. Some Pagans choose to believe in the Christian concepts of Heaven and Hell while others believe when we die our spirits simply do what they want to (or using my baby cousin's way of describing it: "Your thoughts just go poof when you die." She thinks of death like going to sleep forever, but without dreams.)

What you believe is up to you. We are not here to tell you what to think, only to show you a different path or two we have personally heard about or believe ourselves.

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